Frequently Asked Questions, Covid-19 and our Surgery Suite

Is your office still serving patients during this time?

During the shelter-in-place orders we are only seeing emergency patients. Because our appointments honor physical distancing, you may be offered less options to schedule your in-person visit. Our team has taken an abundance of care to ensure your health, comfort, and well-being. 

This is oral surgery: how are you keeping me safe?

Our state-of-the-art surgery suite uses surgical-grade sterile techniques: we are always current with OSHA, the CDC, the FDA, and the ADA guidelines . 

What types of anesthesia are there?

There are two anesthesia options available: local and general. During your consultation, Doctor Kim helps you decide the best option for your personal healthcare  journey.

If you choose general anesthesia (in other words, will be put to sleep)- please have someone drive you to our office. If you chose local anesthesia– you can drive yourself!

Who is allowed in the waiting room?

We honor physical distancing, and are glad that you do too. We ask that all extra guests remain in the car. That being said, if it makes you more comfortable, parents of minor children and/or patient escorts are more than welcome to come inside*.

* If they choose to come inside- this person must be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before they are welcomed in. Please be aware we have removed all magazines and toys from our waiting room as they are hard to clean and disinfect. We do, however,  provide free wifi.

Are you testing patients for the Covid-19 virus?

Although we do not provide tests for Covid-19, we are actively screening everyone for signs and symptoms. We will be taking your temperature and asking you questions about your personal health before you are welcomed inside. 

Do I need to wear a mask?

We want you to be as safe as possible. Please have your masks on before we meet with you.

Do I need to wear gloves?

There is no need to wear gloves, but if it makes you more comfortable, please do!

I am considered to be immuno-compromised. What are you doing for me?

We have always had your safety in mind and we are experienced in helping immuno-compromised patients: we are happy to say they do well. While an abundance of care has been taken to ensure a safe and sterile environment, for your comfort we have introduced new no-contact options. 

How are you practicing social distancing?

We are glad to honor physical distancing in our practice. For in-person visits, we have a new scheduling protocol that minimizes the people you meet. We have a large office that makes this easy! In addition, we now provide contact-free options. This has all been done for your peace of mind.

I am not comfortable with technology, how are you helping me?

No two patients are the same, and we want you to know we’re here for you. We provide in-person options that are safe and sterile.

I have been hearing a lot about online appointments. Can my consultation be done online?

Yes, Zoom-Telehealth consultations are available. This style of consultation will be similar to our in-person consultation: the main difference is that the intraoral exam will now be done on the day of surgery.